white papers by institutions and NGOs
Racial Disparities in Paycheck Protection Program Lending
Black-owned businesses were least likely to receive Paycheck Protection Program loans from small and mid-sized banks, where subjectivity was most likely to influence lending decisions.
Source: Read more here
Kauffman Compilation: Research on Race and Entrepreneurship
While entrepreneurial startup activity is on the rise, entrepreneurs of color remain underrepresented and continue to have lower rates of entrepreneurship than their white counterparts do. As the United States moves closer to becoming a more racially diverse country, a continued disparity in entrepreneurial rates among people of color will lead to missed opportunities. The Kauffman Foundation has a large body of work that examines this area of research.
December 2016
Read more here: www.kauffman.org
Kauffman Compilation: Research on Immigration and Entrepreneurship
While immigration is often subject to contentious political debate, there is little debate about the economic contributions of immigrant entrepreneurs. Immigrants are twice as likely to become entrepreneurs as native-born Americans. Immigrant entrepreneurs have begun and led some of the world’s most successful and innovative companies. The risk-taking that defines an immigrant’s experience in starting anew in a new country often continues to benefit immigrant entrepreneurs as they channel a healthy appetite for risk in a way that leads to new business ideas.
October 2016
Read more here: www.kauffman.org